
Ing. Petr Dvořák

🙋‍♂️Hardware designer and digital and mixed-signal hardware specialist.

✔️ HW review of your design
➕ I create and prepare for manufacturing smart devices for industrial and customer purposes. I am not afraid of new products and components. Every new device is a way how to learn new skills.
➕ I am well oriented in industrial demands and requested quality level
➕ most of my products are based on modern programmable components saving money due to their versatility and flexibility

Mail address:

Poznaňská 2461/5
616 00 Brno-Žabovřesky
+420 604889514
ID datové schránky: 5utz9c7

Zapsán u Živnostenského úřadu Brno
ID: 05543649
VAT: CZ8110273490




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